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CEPA Publications


The report provides a review of the regulatory frameworks on waste management in all the four cities in Malawi, and the extent to which such frameworks enable or weaken the development of a waste circular economy and sustainability of the waste value chain.

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CEPA's Newsletter 2024 1st Edition

CEPA's Newsletter 2024 1st Edition

In this first edition of 2024, we explore the critical condition of green spaces in Blantyre and how we can conserve the spaces. Read through the implications of the Global Plastics Treaty, and key topics from COP28, including energy access in Malawi and the Loss & Damage Fund.

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CSO Submission Towards the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

CSO Submission Towards the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

A CSO submission of comments in response to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project.

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CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

This document presents key advocacy issues that Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) will be focusing on during the period 2016 to 2020.

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Natures Voice -  Volume 12 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 12 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy's relaunch of Nature's Voice on policy related issues in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Natural Resources management

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CEPA 2018 Annual Report

CEPA 2018 Annual Report

This is the 2018 organizational annual report on programmes activities and financials.

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CEPA's Response to the State of the Nation Address and the 2020/2021 Budget Statement

A press statement highlighting key issues on the environment from the SONA and 2020/2021 Budget Statement

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Establishing a Model Waste Management  System in an Urban Township- A Report

Establishing a Model Waste Management System in an Urban Township- A Report

A documentation of lessons on sustainable waste management from Ndirande Township compiled under the My City My Space Campaign. This report serves as a guide to develop a sustainable waste management system in Makata Township. It explains the six core elements of waste management systems and advocates for an integrated approach to waste management in the Makata Ward.

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

CEPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

The new road map to guide the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy towards the organisational vision of a just and equitable society that promotes sustainable development.

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CEPA 2023 Annual Report

CEPA 2023 Annual Report

CEPA's 2023 achievements and milestones. The report highlights our journey towards an environmentally sound and sustainable Malawi.

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A Review of the Land Bills 2013

A Review of the Land Bills 2013

An analysis of the drafting issues within and between the land bills as well as between the land bills and related legislation touching on land matters such as those dealing with forestry, water, environment and wildlife. The paper provides a summary of the proposals for addressing the issues identified and highlighted in the analysis

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Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

A presentation of the findings of the study on mining governance that is aimed at assessing the extent to which ongoing mining activities comply with the existing regulatory framework

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Assessment of Policy Implementation for Environment and Natural Resources Management in Malawi

Assessment of Policy Implementation for Environment and Natural Resources Management in Malawi

An analysis of some of the main mechanisms that environmental policy and legislation framework utilize for implementation and enforcement. It assesses the effectiveness of these instruments and the opportunities available to improve the governance of environment and natural resources in Malawi.

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Assessment of Policy Implementation of Relocation Programmes - A Case of Nacala Railway Project

Assessment of Policy Implementation of Relocation Programmes - A Case of Nacala Railway Project

Assessing the implementation of the relocation policy of the Nacala Railway project. The study focused on Mwanza and Neno

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2011-2015

CEPA Strategic Plan 2011-2015

A guiding document on the framework for strengthening the governance and management structure and programme focus areas for Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy for the period 2011 to 2015

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2016-2020

CEPA Strategic Plan 2016-2020

A guiding document on the framework for strengthening the governance and management structure and programme focus areas for Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy for the period 2015 to 2020

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Challenges Environmental Affairs Department Faces in Implementing Monitoring and Auditing Programmes

Challenges Environmental Affairs Department Faces in Implementing Monitoring and Auditing Programmes

This paper outlines the challenges that are faced by EAD in monitoring and auditing and provides the recommendations

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CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector

CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector

A review on allocations that the sector(EAD) has received in the financial years of 2011/2012, 2012/13 and 2013/14 approved national budgets. The results of the analysis acts as evidence for advocating for increased allocation to specific priority areas in the Environmental Impact Assessment Section to facilitate sustainable development in Malawi.

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Distribution Equity in Malawi - Towards Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Natural Resources Management

Distribution Equity in Malawi - Towards Poverty Reduction and Sustainable Natural Resources Management

An examination of a number of policy instruments with reference to how they address poverty reduction in general and use of natural resources for this purpose.

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Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

This short brief outlines some of the key issues that have been highlighted and some recommendations that may be considered to improve the draft bill.

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Implications of Nacala Corridor Project to Communities

Implications of Nacala Corridor Project to Communities

A case study on the implications of Nacala Project to communities

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Land and Agrarian Reform- Historical Background and Challenges

Land and Agrarian Reform- Historical Background and Challenges

A brief history of how we have come to have the policies and laws that govern land ownership in Malawi

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Model Mining Development Policy

Model Mining Development Policy

The model policy seeks to provide direction for developing an efficient regulatory and management framework to stimulate private sector investment into the mining sector and ensure that the country benefits in terms of improved revenue, employment creation and sustainable economic development.

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Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 5 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 6 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 6 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1 2011

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1 2011

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 10 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 10 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 11 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 11 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 7 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Policy Brief on Crop Production Policy

Policy Brief on Crop Production Policy

A brief overview of the National Crop production Policy (2000)

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Policy Brief on Enhancing Access to Environmental Information and Justice

Policy Brief on Enhancing Access to Environmental Information and Justice

A review on the current drafts of the Access to Information Bill and the Environmental Management Bill to determine the manner in which they address the access principles as well as mechanisms for improving access to environmental information and justice as well as public participation in general.

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Policy Brief on Irrigation Policy

Policy Brief on Irrigation Policy

A brief overview of the National Irrigation Policy and Development Strategy (2000)

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Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy

Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy

A brief overview of the National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

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Policy Brief on Malawi National Land Policy

Policy Brief on Malawi National Land Policy

A brief summary of the National Land Policy (2000)

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Policy Brief on National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

Policy Brief on National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)

This policy serves as an instrument for conservation of land for agriculture and indicates land use and management measures that will help balance and regulate the competing land use for different activities such as forestry and human settlements.

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Policy Brief on National Youth Policy

Policy Brief on National Youth Policy

A brief overview of the National Youth Policy (2013)

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Policy Brief on the National Environmental Policy of Malawi

Policy Brief on the National Environmental Policy of Malawi

A brief summary of the National Environmental Policy (1996)

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Report of  Land  and Agrarian  Reform in  Malawi

Report of Land and Agrarian Reform in Malawi

A review of the Malawi land reform process

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Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

An analysis and review the draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015 to highlight the gaps and weaknesses identified in various policy debates and dialogues.

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Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

An outline of key policy considerations towards a more responsive mining governance framework

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Summary of Revised Environment Management Bill 2006

Summary of Revised Environment Management Bill 2006

This brief outlines the process of revising the EMA 1996, the key changes that have been proposed including the rationale for the proposals and the next steps that are envisaged for finalizing and implementing the new legislation once enacted.

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Summary  of the Review of  the Land Bills 2013

Summary of the Review of the Land Bills 2013

This paper has highlighted some of the key concerns expressed by various civil society organizations such as Land Net, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace, Action Aid International Malawi and Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy.

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Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme

Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme

A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)

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Access and Benefit Sharing of Biological Diversity

Access and Benefit Sharing of Biological Diversity

The paper examines a set of complex issues of access to and benefit sharing of biological resources

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Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Environmental Justice in Malawi

Biodiversity, Biotechnology and Environmental Justice in Malawi

A critique of the current legal regime on environmental protection in respect of biotechnology; and recommendations and possible courses of action to ensure sustainable economic development whilst minimizing environmental risks

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Case Study on Farmers Organizations, Plant Breeding and Seed Industry in Malawi

Case Study on Farmers Organizations, Plant Breeding and Seed Industry in Malawi

An evaluation of current trends in farmers’ organizations, plant breeding and the seed industry in achieving seed and food security and the sustainable conservation of agro-biodiversity for the benefit of current and future generations.

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Community Performance Index of Fisheries Co-management in Four Major Lakes in Malawi

Community Performance Index of Fisheries Co-management in Four Major Lakes in Malawi

This report highlights the results of the CPI baseline study and highlights the implications in terms of governance and capacity strengthening in the targeted four lakes of the project areas

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Environmental Threats and Opportunity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

Environmental Threats and Opportunity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

An examination of the freshwater fisheries of the Southeast Arm (SEA) of Lake Malawi and lakes Malombe, Chiuta, and Chilwa through the lenses of climate change, biodiversity, environmental and manmade threats, and fisheries management

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Good Governance Barometer of Fisheries Co-management of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

Good Governance Barometer of Fisheries Co-management of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

An assessment of the quality of local governance as it relates to fisheries co-management across four focus lake bodies: Lake Chilwa, Lake Chiuta, Lake Malombe and the southeast and southwest arms of Lake Malawi.

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Guidelines for Implementation of Farmers Rights in Southern Africa

Guidelines for Implementation of Farmers Rights in Southern Africa

Guidance material prepared to support the process of promoting attainment of farmers' rights in Southern Africa

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Modern Biotechnology Policy and Legislation in Malawi

Modern Biotechnology Policy and Legislation in Malawi

A critical appraisal of the policy and legal framework for the promotion and management of science and technology in general and modern biotechnology in Malawi in particular

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Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

Participatory Vulnerability and Capacity Assessment of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

An analysis and evaluation of the current and prospective vulnerability to climate change of the people around the four Lakes in Malawi, namely, South East and South Western Arm of Lake Malawi, Lakes Chilwa, Chiuta and Malombe.

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Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi

Realization of Farmers Rights in Malawi

A policy brief on farmers rights in Malawi

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Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps

Striking a Balance - Wetland Management and Policy Gaps

A keynote address on how wetlands are managed and the policy gaps

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Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Malawi Agro-biodiversity Policy and Legislation

Towards the Development of a Comprehensive Malawi Agro-biodiversity Policy and Legislation

A report on consultations conducted for the development of Malawi agro-biodiversity policy and legislation

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Fisheries Gender and Youth Analysis of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

Fisheries Gender and Youth Analysis of Four Major Lakes in Malawi

A literature review of the role of gender and youth in fisheries across the four major lakes (Lakes Malawi, Malombe, Chilwa and Chiuta), and included 20 key informant interviews equally spread between men and women interviewees.

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2011-2012 Draft National Budget Analysis on Climate Change

2011-2012 Draft National Budget Analysis on Climate Change

An analysis of the 2011/2012 draft budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate change, environment and natural resources management

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CEPA ECRP DISCOVER Advocacy Report - Year 2 Quarter 2

CEPA ECRP DISCOVER Advocacy Report - Year 2 Quarter 2

ECRP DISCOVER programme advocacy quarterly report

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Climate Change Adaptation Best Practices

Climate Change Adaptation Best Practices

A compilation of selected adaptation best practices from the interventions implemented by different stakeholders in various districts declared vulnerable

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Climate Change and Rural Communities in Malawi - Towards Policy Implementation

Climate Change and Rural Communities in Malawi - Towards Policy Implementation

A compilation of three papers which provide a synopsis of the state of knowledge and activities as well as policy responses to climate change impacts. The analysis highlights critical gaps which need to be addressed to make responses to climate change more effective.

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Climate Change Policy and Legal Framework in Malawi- Towards a Comprehensive Policy Framework

Climate Change Policy and Legal Framework in Malawi- Towards a Comprehensive Policy Framework

This brief examines the current national policy and legislation addressing climate change. It also highlights the key challenges related to climate change and proposes possible recommendations.

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DISCOVER Narrative Report - Year 2 Quarter 2

DISCOVER Narrative Report - Year 2 Quarter 2

ECRP DISCOVER quarterly narrative report

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ECRP Bulletin December 2015

ECRP Bulletin December 2015

A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP

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ECRP Bulletin June 2015

ECRP Bulletin June 2015

A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP

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ECRP Bulletin March 2014

ECRP Bulletin March 2014

A biannual bulletin which highlights key achievements, challenges and lessons learnt in ECRP

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ECRP DISCOVER Advocacy Strategy

ECRP DISCOVER Advocacy Strategy

The Enhancing Community Resilience Project policy advocacy strategy

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ECRP E-survey Report

ECRP E-survey Report

ECRP E-survey report on impact of CEPA publications in the programme

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Financing the Cost of Climate Change - Two perspectives on who, what, and how

Financing the Cost of Climate Change - Two perspectives on who, what, and how

This report brings attention to the latest development of the World Bank’s response to the challenge of climate change. It also presents a case study from Malawi conducted by CEPA to exemplify the need for financing for climate change in Malawi

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Likely Impacts of Climate on Water Availability

Likely Impacts of Climate on Water Availability

A case study of adverse climate change impacts on water availability, agriculture production and food security

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List of Media Practitioners Trained in CC and DRM Reporting

List of Media Practitioners Trained in CC and DRM Reporting

A compilation of media practitioners trained by CEPA through ECRP

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Policy Brief on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies

Policy Brief on Mainstreaming Climate Change into Development Policies

A review of key issues related to integration of the climate change agenda in national development planning

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Policy Brief on National Adaptation Programme of Action

Policy Brief on National Adaptation Programme of Action

A brief summary of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (2006)

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Policy Brief on the Current National Policies and Strategies Related to Wetlands Use and Climate Change

Policy Brief on the Current National Policies and Strategies Related to Wetlands Use and Climate Change

A brief assessment of the relevant policies and strategies related to wetland use and management and climate change

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Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2013

Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2013

An assessment of policy implementation for community resilience enhancement in the ECRP project

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Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2014

Policy Brief on the Status of Policy Implementation for Enhancing Community Resilience in Malawi 2014

An assessment of policy implementation for community resilience enhancement in the ECRP project

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Surviving in the Hard Times of Climate Change

Surviving in the Hard Times of Climate Change

A compilation of climate change adaptation case studies from Salima

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The 2011-2012 Mid-Year National Budget Analysis with Focus on Climate Change

The 2011-2012 Mid-Year National Budget Analysis with Focus on Climate Change

A mid year review of the approved 2011/2012 budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate change and natural resource management

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Bukhu Lothandizira Kulondoloza Ntchito za Migodi

Bukhu lofotokoza ndondomeko zoyenera kutsatidwa ndi olondoloza komanso ogwira ntchito za migodi. A mining accountability monitoring tool.

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Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

This tenure assessment provides an overview of the key issues and options for supporting the implementation of national reforms on tenure and land related issues that have been ongoing since 2002; while contributing to the overall enabling environment for more effective forest and REDD+ governance

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Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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CEPA Nature's Voice - Volume 13 Issue 1

This January to June 2017 issue of the CEPA Newsletter, Nature's Voice, focuses on the Government of Malawi's National Charcoal Strategy. Other articles feature mining in Malawi, coordination of the Natural Resources Management Policy, bush fires, etc.

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My City, My Space: Strengthening Waste Management Systems for Improved Environment and Community Well-being

My City, My Space: Strengthening Waste Management Systems for Improved Environment and Community Well-being

Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) is implementing the Tilitonse funded “My City, My Space; Strengthening Waste Management Systems for Improved Environment and Community Well-being” project in Blantyre City, (Ndirande Malabada Constituency and Blantyre East). The project is aimed at Increasing capacity of urban communities to demand and implement safe and sustainable waste management systems and practice. The project has three sub goals namely: Strengthened law enforcement on waste management; Improved waste collection and disposal system at household and municipal level; and Increased access to information on waste management practices.

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Towards Healthy Forests for a Better Malawi

Towards Healthy Forests for a Better Malawi

This issue brief reflects on the impacts of deforestation in Malawi and what you can do to address the challenge. The briefs support efforts to promote sustainable forest management of selected landscapes and promoting sustainable energy options in Malawi to maintain forest cover and reduce land-based emissions.

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Tiyeni Titenge Mbali Poteteza Nkhalango Zathu

Tiyeni Titenge Mbali Poteteza Nkhalango Zathu

Bukuli likufotokoza zakufunika kwa nkhalango mu dziko lathu. Komanso kupereka maganizo panjira zimene anthu tingatengepo mbali kuteteza nkhalango zathu.

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Smarter, Cleaner Cooking; Healthier Forests.

Smarter, Cleaner Cooking; Healthier Forests.

This issue brief reflects on the impacts of deforestation due to the unsustainable demand for biomass fuel in Malawi and what you can do to address the challenge. The briefs support efforts to promote sustainable forest management of selected landscapes and promoting sustainable energy options in Malawi to maintain forest cover and reduce land-based emissions.

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Kuphika Mwamakono Kuti Nkhalango Zathu Zitetezeke

Kuphika Mwamakono Kuti Nkhalango Zathu Zitetezeke

Bukuli likufotokoza za ubale wa nkhalango ndi mphavu zamagesi ophikira ndi kutenthesera pakhomo. Likupereka maganizo panjira zimene anthu tingatengepo mbali kuteteza nkhalango zathu pakugwirisa ntchito njira zamakono zophikira ndikutenthesera.

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Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

The implementation of the Strengthening Land Governance Systems for Smallholder Farmers in Malawi Project provided useful lessons for scaling up the titling and registration of customary estates provided for under the Customary Land Act 2016 (CLA) and the Customary Land Regulation 2018 (CLR). This report shares the key lessons for the improvement of the governance of customary land in general and registration of customary estates in particular

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