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The sixth report of the Malawi Extractive Industry Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) covers the period from July 2020 to June 2021. The report brings to open the payments made/ received from the extraction of natural resources in Malawi within the period. Key sectors include the Mining sector, oil and gas sector and the forestry sector.

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CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

This document presents key advocacy issues that Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) will be focusing on during the period 2016 to 2020.

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Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy's relaunch of Nature's Voice on policy related issues in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Natural Resources management

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Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance- End of Project Evaluation Terms of Reference

Terms of Reference for a call for proposals for the Tilitonse Funded "Promoting Responsive and Accountable Extractive Industries Governance" end of project evaluation. The evaluation is intended to assess the extent to which the project and its interventions have achieved its goal and objectives. It will also determine how the project has contributed to the goals and objectives of CEPA and Tilitonse Foundation.

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Statement on the State of the Extractive Sector in Malawi

A statement on the issues requiring policy intervention in the extractive sector by Publish What You Pay Malawi and the Natural Resource Justice Network

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An Outline of Select Mining Policy and Legislation Frameworks from East and Southern Africa

An Outline of Select Mining Policy and Legislation Frameworks from East and Southern Africa

An outline of key provisions from mining policy and legislation from some selected countries

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Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

Assessment of Mining Policy Implementation in Malawi

A presentation of the findings of the study on mining governance that is aimed at assessing the extent to which ongoing mining activities comply with the existing regulatory framework

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CEPA reports Substantial Progress in Mining Governance  Project

CEPA reports Substantial Progress in Mining Governance Project

An article on the progress that CEPA has made in strengthening mining governance

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CEPA Spearheads Oversight Role on Mining Sector

CEPA Spearheads Oversight Role on Mining Sector

An article on CEPAs oversight role in the mining sector

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CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector

CSO Analysis of the 2011-2014 National Budget Allocation to the ElA Sector

A review on allocations that the sector(EAD) has received in the financial years of 2011/2012, 2012/13 and 2013/14 approved national budgets. The results of the analysis acts as evidence for advocating for increased allocation to specific priority areas in the Environmental Impact Assessment Section to facilitate sustainable development in Malawi.

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Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

Elements for a Mines and Minerals Development Bill

This short brief outlines some of the key issues that have been highlighted and some recommendations that may be considered to improve the draft bill.

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Grabbing land in Malawi

Grabbing land in Malawi

This brief explores the role that grabbing of land in Malawi plays contributing to the distribution of land in Malawi. It focuses on various forms of malpractice, corruption or opportunistic behaviours associated with land transfers.

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Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) Scoping Study

Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) Scoping Study

A scoping study commissioned by the Multi-Stakeholder Group (MSG) of the Malawi Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (MWEITI) to prepare the MSG’s decision to define the scope for the start of the EITI reporting cycle

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Model Mining Development Policy

Model Mining Development Policy

The model policy seeks to provide direction for developing an efficient regulatory and management framework to stimulate private sector investment into the mining sector and ensure that the country benefits in terms of improved revenue, employment creation and sustainable economic development.

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Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015

An analysis and review the draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015 to highlight the gaps and weaknesses identified in various policy debates and dialogues.

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Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi

An outline of key policy considerations towards a more responsive mining governance framework

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Strengthening  Mining  Governance  in  Malawi- Report on Policy and Institutional Analysis on Mining in Malawi

Strengthening Mining Governance in Malawi- Report on Policy and Institutional Analysis on Mining in Malawi

A comprehensive analysis of the policy and legal framework in the mining industry in Malawi.

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Tanzania Resettlement Policy Framework

Tanzania Resettlement Policy Framework

This document provides overall guidance on the process of resettlement, in accordance to the Tanzanian laws, and the principles and policy objectives.

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EIA Process in Malawi

EIA Process in Malawi

Guidelines that provide a list of projects that require an EIA, and a list of projects that may require an EIA

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Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

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Integrated Trade and Industry Policy 1998

Integrated Trade and Industry Policy 1998

A policy for the interests and needs of enterprises at all levels which include small, medium and large scale so that they can become more competitive in their operations

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Land Bill 2012

Land Bill 2012

This Bill seeks to make provision for land in Malawi and for all matters relating to land

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Malawi Economic Growth Strategy 2003

Malawi Economic Growth Strategy 2003

A medium term development plan by the Government of Malawi

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Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II

A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development

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Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One

This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas through the development of rural growth centres

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Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two

This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term objectives for Malawi

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Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

Malawi Growth and Development Strategy

A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy

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Malawi National Strategy  for Sustainable  Development 2004

Malawi National Strategy for Sustainable Development 2004

This document provides guidance on the implementation of the WSSD commitments for the next 10-15 years, and to complement the MPRS

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National Energy Policy for Malawi 2003

National Energy Policy for Malawi 2003

A policy to support the Energy Sector contribution to the national goals of poverty reduction, industrialization and economic growth

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Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi

Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi

The basis for short and medium term plans to achieve the vision that Malawians see for the year 2020

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Bukhu Lothandizira Kulondoloza Ntchito za Migodi

Bukhu lofotokoza ndondomeko zoyenera kutsatidwa ndi olondoloza komanso ogwira ntchito za migodi. A mining accountability monitoring tool.

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CEPA Nature's Voice - Volume 13 Issue 1

This January to June 2017 issue of the CEPA Newsletter, Nature's Voice, focuses on the Government of Malawi's National Charcoal Strategy. Other articles feature mining in Malawi, coordination of the Natural Resources Management Policy, bush fires, etc.

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