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CEPA's Newsletter 2024 1st Edition

CEPA's Newsletter 2024 1st Edition

In this first edition of 2024, we explore the critical condition of green spaces in Blantyre and how we can conserve the spaces. Read through the implications of the Global Plastics Treaty, and key topics from COP28, including energy access in Malawi and the Loss & Damage Fund.

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National Waste Management Strategy

National Waste Management Strategy is a guide effective waste management in the country. The Strategy provides a holistic framework for waste management by guiding actions of regulatory bodies, the public and stakeholders under the following areas: 1) Policy formulation and implementation; 2) Inculcation of responsible public behavior on waste management; 3) Promotion of waste segregation at source; 4) Promotion of resource recovery from waste; 5) Promotion of waste treatment; and 6) Establishment of sound infrastructure for waste management.

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CEPA 2023 Annual Report

CEPA 2023 Annual Report

CEPA's 2023 achievements and milestones. The report highlights our journey towards an environmentally sound and sustainable Malawi.

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Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Nature's Voice 2023 Edition

Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy's relaunch of Nature's Voice on policy related issues in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Natural Resources management

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Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

Nature's Voice - Volume 12 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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CEPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

CEPA Strategic Plan 2021-2025

The new road map to guide the Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy towards the organisational vision of a just and equitable society that promotes sustainable development.

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Establishing a Model Waste Management  System in an Urban Township- A Report

Establishing a Model Waste Management System in an Urban Township- A Report

A documentation of lessons on sustainable waste management from Ndirande Township compiled under the My City My Space Campaign. This report serves as a guide to develop a sustainable waste management system in Makata Township. It explains the six core elements of waste management systems and advocates for an integrated approach to waste management in the Makata Ward.

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Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

Lessons from Piloting Inclusive Customary Land Governance

The implementation of the Strengthening Land Governance Systems for Smallholder Farmers in Malawi Project provided useful lessons for scaling up the titling and registration of customary estates provided for under the Customary Land Act 2016 (CLA) and the Customary Land Regulation 2018 (CLR). This report shares the key lessons for the improvement of the governance of customary land in general and registration of customary estates in particular

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Kuphika Mwamakono Kuti Nkhalango Zathu Zitetezeke

Kuphika Mwamakono Kuti Nkhalango Zathu Zitetezeke

Bukuli likufotokoza za ubale wa nkhalango ndi mphavu zamagesi ophikira ndi kutenthesera pakhomo. Likupereka maganizo panjira zimene anthu tingatengepo mbali kuteteza nkhalango zathu pakugwirisa ntchito njira zamakono zophikira ndikutenthesera.

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Tiyeni Titenge Mbali Poteteza Nkhalango Zathu

Tiyeni Titenge Mbali Poteteza Nkhalango Zathu

Bukuli likufotokoza zakufunika kwa nkhalango mu dziko lathu. Komanso kupereka maganizo panjira zimene anthu tingatengepo mbali kuteteza nkhalango zathu.

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Smarter, Cleaner Cooking; Healthier Forests.

Smarter, Cleaner Cooking; Healthier Forests.

This issue brief reflects on the impacts of deforestation due to the unsustainable demand for biomass fuel in Malawi and what you can do to address the challenge. The briefs support efforts to promote sustainable forest management of selected landscapes and promoting sustainable energy options in Malawi to maintain forest cover and reduce land-based emissions.

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Towards Healthy Forests for a Better Malawi

Towards Healthy Forests for a Better Malawi

This issue brief reflects on the impacts of deforestation in Malawi and what you can do to address the challenge. The briefs support efforts to promote sustainable forest management of selected landscapes and promoting sustainable energy options in Malawi to maintain forest cover and reduce land-based emissions.

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Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

Southern Region Water Board through the Malawi Government has acquired funds from Kuwait Fund for Arab and Economic Development (KFAED) to extend Mangochi water supply system to lakeshore areas. Under this project, SRWB will extend the system to un-served areas along the Lakeshore from Mpondasi to Mtakatata Turn-Off and will cover the trading centres of Namiasi, Maldeco, Makawa, Mtakatata Turn-Off and the holiday resorts along the lake. According to the Malawi Environmental and Social Impact Assessment Guidelines of 1997, the proposed project requires an environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA). Hence, this Environmental and Social Impact Assessment report outlines the enhancement and mitigation measures to be implemented by the SRWB and other key stakeholders; during the construction and operation phases of the proposed water supply scheme development and upgrading. The ESIA aims at enhancing the benefits and mitigating the adverse impacts of the project on the biophysical, cultural and socio-economic environment.

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CSO Submission Towards the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

CSO Submission Towards the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project

A CSO submission of comments in response to the Environmental and Social Impact Assessment for the Extension of Mangochi Potable Water Supply Project.

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Statement on the State of the Extractive Sector in Malawi

A statement on the issues requiring policy intervention in the extractive sector by Publish What You Pay Malawi and the Natural Resource Justice Network

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CEPA's Response to the State of the Nation Address and the 2020/2021 Budget Statement

A press statement highlighting key issues on the environment from the SONA and 2020/2021 Budget Statement

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Water Resources Act 2013

An Act to provide for the management, conservation, use and control of water resources; for the acquisition and regulation of rights to use water; and for matters connected therewith or incidental therto.

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CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

CEPA Advocacy Strategy 2016-2020

This document presents key advocacy issues that Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy (CEPA) will be focusing on during the period 2016 to 2020.

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Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme Impact Report 2010-2017

Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme Impact Report 2010-2017

An impact study report on the Lake Chilwa Basin Climate Change Adaptation Programme (LCBCCAP). The report focuses on impact outcomes under four themes namely; building ecosystem resilience, building social resilience, natural resource monitoring and innovative communication and outreach.

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Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

Tenure and REDD+ in Malawi

This tenure assessment provides an overview of the key issues and options for supporting the implementation of national reforms on tenure and land related issues that have been ongoing since 2002; while contributing to the overall enabling environment for more effective forest and REDD+ governance

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The Malawi Growth and Development Strategy (MGDS) III

The MGDS III is the fourth, and final, medium-term national development strategy formulated to contribute tot eh attainment of Malawi's long term development aspirations enshrined in Vision 2020. The overarching theme for the MGDS III is: “Building a Productive, Competitive and Resilient Nation”. Unlike its immediate predecessor, the strategy is built around this one theme that aims to improve productivity, turn the country into a competitive nation and develop resilience to shocks and hazards. It will be implemented from 2017-2020

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National Charcoal Strategy 2017-2027

National Charcoal Strategy 2017-2027

A guided framework to address problems of increased deforestation and increased demand of household cooking fuel. The strategy is aimed at setting Malawi on a path toward a diversified, sustainable and regulated household energy sector; while reducing deforestation and the associated impacts on rural livelihoods and the national economy.

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National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy

National Forest Landscape Restoration Strategy

The restoration strategy provides a comprehensive framework for achieving Malawi’s restoration commitment of 4.5 million hectares as well as the economic development, poverty reduction, increased food security, and resilience promised through successful landscape restoration. The Strategy outlines priority opportunities and interventions that can translate the potential of restoration into multiple benefits such as improved food security, increased biodiversity, improved water supply, job creation, income, carbon sequestration and enhanced resilience to climate change.

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Bukhu Lothandizira Kulondoloza Ntchito za Migodi

Bukhu lofotokoza ndondomeko zoyenera kutsatidwa ndi olondoloza komanso ogwira ntchito za migodi. A mining accountability monitoring tool.

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Natures Voice -  Volume 12 Issue 1

Natures Voice - Volume 12 Issue 1

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Malawi 2015

A compilation of the Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Malawi's contribution to global GHG emission reductions and enhancement of carbon sinks.

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National Irrigation Policy 2016

The revised National Irrigation Policy (NIP 2016) provides guidance to all stakeholders in Malawi in the implementation and provision of irrigation-related goods, works and services.

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National Climate Change Management Policy 2016

The Policy provides strategic direction for Malawi's priorities for climate change interventions and outlines an institutional framework for the application and implementation of adaptation, mitigation, technology transfer and capacity building measures.

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National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II 2015-2025

This National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan II is a framework for action that will guide Malawi to sustainably manage its biodiversity. The Strategy outlines the status of the biological resources in Malawi and provides strategies, targets and actions to be taken to ensure their sustainable management.

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National Agriculture Policy 2016

The National Agriculture Policy (NAP) defines the vision for development of the agricultural sector in Malawi over the next five years. More specifically, this policy is a guide towards increasing production, productivity, and real farm incomes.

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Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume II

Volume II comprises practical activities targeted at village level. It explains village level planning processes, and how the Village Level Action Plans formed are turned into on-farm and community activities. Step-by-step technical guidance is given for a range of measures, from (for example) conservation agriculture and agroforestry, to gully rehabilitation and forest management.

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Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume I

This document introduces catchment management principles: it explores the theory of catchment management in the context of Malawi and lays out the need for integrated catchment management– and why strategic catchment planning is required at all levels.

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Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy for National Climate Change Management Policy

An Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy developed to ensure that the National Climate Change Management Policy is fully and effectively implemented. This IMES provides an Implementation Plan which highlights the institutions responsible or implementation of activities within a specified time frame.

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Environment Management Bill 2016

A revised version of the Act which makes provision for the protection and management of the environment and the conservation and sustainable utilization of natural resources in Malawi

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A Summary of the Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure

A combined Chichewa and English summary of the national guidelines on integrated catchment management in Malawi.These guidelines address the environmental issues identified in Malawi's National Environmental Action Plan (NEAP) which are: soil erosion, deforestation, water resources degradation and depletion, threat to fish resources, threat to biodiversity, human habitat degradation, high population growth, air pollution and climate change.

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Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

Natures Voice - Volume 9 Issue 2

A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management

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ECRP Advocacy Achievements

ECRP Advocacy Achievements

A short film on advocacy achievements in ECRP

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