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- The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.
- The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.
- The customary land Act of 2016 is the legal framework for the administration and management of customary land in Malawi.
CEPA's Newsletter 2024 1st Edition
- In this first edition of 2024, we explore the critical condition of green spaces in Blantyre and how we can conserve the spaces. Read through the implications ...
Natures Voice - Volume 12 Issue 1
- A biannual newsletter on policy related issues in climate change, biodiversity, environment and natural resources management
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 1
- A panel discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 2
- Alive radio discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance ...
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion
- A discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Panel Discussion
- A panel discussion on the existing gaps and challenges facing land administration and the need for land law reform. It also gives and overview of the various ...
A Review of the Land Bills 2013
- An analysis of the drafting issues within and between the land bills as well as between the land bills and related legislation touching on land matters such as ...
Assessing the Impact of Customary Land Rights Registration on Credit Access by Farmers in Tanzania - A Case Study on Mbozi District
- An assessing of how far and to what extent rural land tilting conducted by customary land administration system has managed to promote poor farmers in ...
Conversions of Customary Lands to Leasehold Titles - Zambia
- This brief analyses the conversion process and its impact on rural communities, and discusses proposed solutions for securing customary land rights in Zambia.
Improving Land Sector Governance in Malawi - Implementation of the Land Governance Assessment Framework
- This report assesses the status of Land governance in Malawi using the Land Governance Assessment Framework (LGAF)
Land Administration for Sustainable Development
- The book explains how land administration systems have evolved from linking cadastral land records to demonstrating their inherent power for sharing spatial ...
Land Tenure Systems and their Impacts on Food Security and Sustainable Development in Africa
- This paper develops an analytic perspective of the linkages between land tenure, food security and sustainable development in the African context
Securing Land and Property Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa: The Role of Local Institutions
- A look into the various land titling systems in Africa
Summary of the Review of the Land Bills 2013
- This paper has highlighted some of the key concerns expressed by various civil society organizations such as Land Net, Catholic Commission for Justice and ...
The Effects of Rural Land Certification in Securing Land Rights - A Case of Amhra Region, Ethiopia
- An analysis on the effects of rural land certification in securing land rights in Amhara region. It also looks at the status of land improvement activities ...
Urban Customary Land Practices in Malawi - A Catalyst for Growth of Informal settlement
- The research seeks to find out the cause of customary land practices in Zomba, how it has contributed to the spread of unplanned settlements and ways to ...
FMA Machinga Chipamba Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Chipojola Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Dalamponda-Makumba Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Kachato Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Kwilasya Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Lipongo Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Liundi Milala Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Makaluka Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Malajira Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Matandika Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land
FMA Machinga Mbawe Block
- A management plan to facilitate community management of forests and access to forest resources on public and customary land