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- Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty, founded in 1942 and led by ...
Economic Valuation and Restoration Carbon Accrual
- Assessing the net economic benefits and carbon mitigation potential of Forest Landscape Restoration
Forest Landscape Restoration Overview
- An overview of forest landscape restoration. It incorporates many diverse land uses - based on the context of the land and the needs of the community
Restoration Opportunity Assessment Methodology ROAM
- A guide for interested users to identify landscapes that offer opportunities for restoration considered at a national and subnational level; and to gain ...
The Bonn Challenge Phase 2
- A global goal to restore 150 million hectares of degraded and deforested lands by 2020
ASWAp Comments Donor Platform Agriculture
- Comments by Platform members on the draft study on Formulating and Implementing Sector-wide Approaches (SWAps) in Agriculture and Rural Development
Integrated Trade and Industry Policy 1998
- A policy for the interests and needs of enterprises at all levels which include small, medium and large scale so that they can become more competitive in their ...
National Energy Policy for Malawi 2003
- A policy to support the Energy Sector contribution to the national goals of poverty reduction, industrialization and economic growth