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- The report analyses the scope for a just transition in the Malawian context. It explores transitions in key sectors including agriculture and forestry.
Nature's Voice 2023 Edition
- Center for Environmental Policy and Advocacy's relaunch of Nature's Voice on policy related issues in Biodiversity, Climate Change and Natural Resources ...
Energy in Malawi Fact Sheet
- A two-page fact sheet explaining the 2019 state of energy in Malawi.
Wood Fuel Supply & Demand Overview Mapping Analysis Report for Malawi
- The Wood Fuel Supply & Demand Overview Mapping (WISDOM) methodology was used in 2018 to analyze Malawi's forest stocks and harvesting potential and ...
Energy Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) Green Investment Opportunities Brief
- The Government of Malawi launched its Greenhouse Gas Inventory System (GHG-IS) in 2019. This brief highlights green investment opportunities individuals or ...
9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum Climate Change Statement
- Statement on the 9t Southern Africa Civil Society Forum on Climate change
9th Southern Africa Civil Society Forum- Acting Together Ensuring Accountability
- 9th southern Africa Civil Society Forum-Acting Together Ensuring Accountability
2011-2012 Draft National Budget Analysis on Climate Change
- An analysis of the 2011/2012 draft budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate change, ...
A Review of Policy and International Instruments on Climate Change and Disaster Risk Management in Malawi- Towards Development of Comprehensive Policy Frameworks
- A review of policy and international instruments on climate change and disaster and risk management in Malawi
Charcoal Factsheet
- An information brief on the economic significance of charcoal production and its environmental costs
Chitetezo Mbaula Guidelines
- Guidelines on the production and use of improved cook stoves
East and Southern Africa Regional Workshop on Linking Local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change
- This document gives a background and objectives of the Southern Voices Climate Change workshop on Linking local experiences with policy processes in climate ...
Financing the Cost of Climate Change - Two perspectives on who, what, and how
- This report brings attention to the latest development of the World Banks response to the challenge of climate change. It also presents a case study from ...
Into Unknown Territory - The Limits to Adaptation and Reality of Loss and Damage from Climate Impacts
- This paper contextualises issues around loss and damage as a result of climate change and demonstrates the urgent necessity for a range of approaches to ...
Linking local Experiences with Policy Processes in Climate Change- Lessons from adaptation, sustainable energy and community forestry
- A compilation of lessons learnt in climate change policy processes in East and Southern Africa
Policy Brief on National Adaptation Programme of Action
- A brief summary of the National Adaptation Programme of Action (2006)
Stove Camp 2012- Bringing the Benefits of Cleaner Cook stoves to More People
- A report on the stove camp held in Lilongwe from March 20th to 23rd, 2012 to enhance awareness and improve understanding among stakeholders about the ...
The 2011-2012 Mid-Year National Budget Analysis with Focus on Climate Change
- A mid year review of the approved 2011/2012 budget with a focus on resources earmarked for implementation of activities and programs that relate to climate ...
Electricity Act 2004
- The Act provides information on the generation, transmission and distribution of electricity
Energy Regulation Act 2004
- The Act defines the functions and powers of the Energy Regulatory Authority and provides for licensing of energy undertakings
Institutionalizing Sector Working Groups to Strengthen the Implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- Guidelines for the institutionalization of sector working Groups to strengthen the implementation of the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
Integrated Trade and Industry Policy 1998
- A policy for the interests and needs of enterprises at all levels which include small, medium and large scale so that they can become more competitive in their ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy II
- A national level guiding document to achieve the goal of wealth creation through sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume One
- This document presents a policy shift from social consumption to sustainable economic growth and infrastructure development, particularly in rural areas ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy Volume Two
- This document provides a policy framework that addresses both economic growth and social policies and how these are balanced to achieve the medium term ...
Malawi Growth and Development Strategy
- A development plan to balance the productive sector and social sector of the economy
National Water Policy 2005
- The National Water Policy
Rural Electrification Act 2004
- An Act to make provision for the promotion, funding, management and regulation of rural electrification
The Challenge Newsletter Issue 4
- A quarterly newsletter by the Millennium Challenge Account Malawi
Vision 2020- The National Long Term Development Perspective for Malawi
- The basis for short and medium term plans to achieve the vision that Malawians see for the year 2020