Urban Customary Land Practices in Malawi - A Catalyst for Growth of Informal settlement
The research seeks to find out the cause of customary land practices in Zomba, how it has contributed to the spread of unplanned settlements and ways to address...
Land, Natural Resources, Housing, Encroachment, Land administration, Research, Land market, Thesis, Tenure, Physical planning, City Planning, Customary Land, La...
Unbundling Land Administrative Reform - Demand for Second Stage Land Certification in Ethiopia
An analysis on the effectiveness of the second stage Land Certification in Ethiopia which involves GPS measurement and computer registration.
Natural Resources, Land, Periodical, Working paper, Land registration, Certification, Land administration, Gender, Land reform, Land rights
The Gender Implications of Joint Land Tilting in Ethiopia
A highlight on the gender implications of joint Land tilting in Ethiopia.
Articles, Land, Natural Resources, Record keeping, Gender, Titling, Brief, Land rights, Tenure, Land certification, Women participation
The Effects of Rural Land Certification in Securing Land Rights - A Case of Amhra Region, Ethiopia
An analysis on the effects of rural land certification in securing land rights in Amhara region. It also looks at the status of land improvement activities made...
Land, Natural Resources, Certification, Gender, Land administration, Accessibility, Land registration, Land rights, Acquisition, Thesis, Policy, Land reform, Re...
The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector
An analysis of the 2012/13 budget estimates for the Agriculture and Food Security sector.
GBI, FISP, Budget Review, Co-Operatives, Food Security, Development Planning, Report, Women, Early Warning, Land, Natural resources, Extension, Climate Change, ...
Tanzania Resettlement Policy Framework
This document provides overall guidance on the process of resettlement, in accordance to the Tanzanian laws, and the principles and policy objectives.
Natural Resources, Land, Mining, Policy, Resettlement, Tenure, Gender, Participation, ENRM, Land administration
Sustainability of the Malawi Farm Input Subsidy Programme
A policy brief on an assessment of the sustainability of the national Fertilizer Input Subsidy Programme (FISP)
Maize, Crop Production, Agricultural Extension, Nutrition, Food Security, Rain, Decentralisation, Extension Policy, Poverty, Fertilizer, Land, Organic, Policy b...
Summary of the Review of the Land Bills 2013
This paper has highlighted some of the key concerns expressed by various civil society organizations such as Land Net, Catholic Commission for Justice and Peace...
Land use management, Land, Natural Resources, Policy brief, Land administration, Private land, CEPA Publications, Access, Freehold land, Land law, Land committe...
Summary of Revised Environment Management Bill 2006
This brief outlines the process of revising the EMA 1996, the key changes that have been proposed including the rationale for the proposals and the next steps t...
Audit, EIA, Biodiversity, Monitoring, Natural Resources, Policy brief, EAD, CEPA Publications, Forestry, Environmental Management Act, Act, Policy, ENRM, Commun...
Strengthening Mining Governance in Malawi- Report on Policy and Institutional Analysis on Mining in Malawi
A comprehensive analysis of the policy and legal framework in the mining industry in Malawi.
Mining, Natural Resources
Status of Policy and Legal Framework for Mining in Malawi
An outline of key policy considerations towards a more responsive mining governance framework
Social rights, Tax, Small scale mining, Petroleum, Environment, Environmental Justice, Capital, Waste, Artisanal, Mining, Oil, Gas, MWEITI, Relocation, EITI, Mi...
Securing Land and Property Rights in Sub-Saharan Africa:
The Role of Local Institutions
A look into the various land titling systems in Africa
Articles, Land, Natural Resources, Certification, Gender, Land administration, Accessibility, Land registration, Land rights, Women participation, Periodical, P...
Review of the Draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015
An analysis and review the draft Mines and Minerals Bill 2015 to highlight the gaps and weaknesses identified in various policy debates and dialogues.
Social rights, Tax, Small scale mining, Petroleum, Environment, Environmental Justice, Capital, Waste, Artisanal, Mining, Oil, Review report, Gas, MWEITI, Reloc...
Report of Land and Agrarian Reform in Malawi
A review of the Malawi land reform process
Agricultural Extension, Market information, Redistribution, Land, Land legislation, Agriculture, Encroachment, Land administration, Resettlement, CEPA Publicati...
Promoting Co-operatives: A guide to ILO Recommendation 193
This publication is a guide for those who want to know more about the ILO Recommendation, and how it provides a basis for law and policies on co-operatives. It ...
Social dialogue, Natural Resources, Co-Operation, Millennium development goals, Guidelines, MDG, Co-Operatives, Collective Marketing, Agriculture, Association
Policy Brief on the National Environmental Policy of Malawi
A brief summary of the National Environmental Policy (1996)
Monitoring, EIA, Conservation, Decentralisation, Environmental Standards, Waste management, EAD, Degradation, Quality standards, Government publications, Audit,...
Policy Brief on National Youth Policy
A brief overview of the National Youth Policy (2013)
Health, Environmental Management, Equity, Food Security, Policy brief, HIV, Development Planning, Socio-economic development, Decentralisation, Water, Public wo...
Policy Brief on National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)
This policy serves as an instrument for conservation of land for agriculture and indicates land use and management measures that will help balance and regulate ...
Biodiversity, Natural Resources, Policy brief, Sustainable development, Gender, Land use, Legislation, CEPA Publications, Land, Land resource, Land rehabilitati...
Policy Brief on Malawi National Land Policy
A brief summary of the National Land Policy (2000)
Land, Natural resources, Policy Brief, Land planning, Land administration, Land governance, Surveying, Titling, CEPA Publications, Land rights, Environmental Ma...
Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy
A brief overview of the National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)
Land, Natural resources, Policy brief, Waste management, Soil, CEPA Publications, Land use management, Fragile areas, Government publications, NRM, ENRM, Degrad...