Search results — 40 items matching your search terms
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Tikambe Program-Malawi Land Law Reform 1
- A case study discussion of land grabbing in Malawi and the need for land law reform
Tikambe Program-Malawi Land Law Reform 2
- A case study discussion of land grabbing in Malawi and the need for land law reform
Nyachipere River Documentary
- A documentary highlighting the impacts of climate change on water resources such as the Nyachipere river
- Chichewa and Other Languages
NNC Migodi PE 9 May 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi PE 13 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi PE 13 June 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Songwe Mine PE 13 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 1
- A panel discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
YONECO Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion 2
- Alive radio discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance ...
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Radio Discussion
- A discussion on the need for land law reform in the country. The discussion was built around womens experiences in customary land governance shortfalls
ZODIAK Malawi Land Law Reform Panel Discussion
- A panel discussion on the existing gaps and challenges facing land administration and the need for land law reform. It also gives and overview of the various ...
Background of Kanyika mine by Inkosi Mwabulabo 30 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika discussion Part 1 28 Mar 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika discussion Part 2 4 April 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika Mine 9 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kanyika Mining Program 9 Mar 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Kayerekera 20 June 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Mining Review 18 May 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
Mpata Discussions 14 June 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 2 May 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 9 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 15 February 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 28 December 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi 29 February 2016
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
NNC Migodi Mwabulabo 30 March 2015
- A program on mining activities in Malawi
FMA Ntchisi Chanika Block- Chichewa
- Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo
FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete Block- Chichewa
- Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo
FMA Ntchisi Chifwerekete I and II Block- Chichewa
- Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo
FMA Ntchisi Mpamira Block- Chichewa
- Ndondomeko yopereka mphavu ndi udindo kwa anthu zosamalira nkhalango zotetezedwa, ndi kugwiritsa bwino ntchito zinthu zopezeka mnenemo