Search results — 18 items matching your search terms
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Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume I
- This document introduces catchment management principles: it explores the theory of catchment management in the context of Malawi and lays out the need for ...
Malawi National Guidelines on Integrated Catchment Management and Rural Infrastructure - Volume II
- Volume II comprises practical activities targeted at village level. It explains village level planning processes, and how the Village Level Action Plans formed ...
National Agriculture Policy 2016
- The National Agriculture Policy (NAP) defines the vision for development of the agricultural sector in Malawi over the next five years. More specifically, this ...
National Irrigation Policy 2016
- The revised National Irrigation Policy (NIP 2016) provides guidance to all stakeholders in Malawi in the implementation and provision of irrigation-related ...
- Oxfam is an international confederation of 20 independent charitable organizations focusing on the alleviation of global poverty, founded in 1942 and led by ...
Climate Smart Agriculture Policy Review
- A review of policies and strategies related to climate smart agriculture
DF Lead Farmer Extension and Training Guide on Sustainable Agriculture
- The guide contains technical information, and takes into consideration lessons learnt from field experiences. It incorporates step-by-step construction ...
Harmonizing Trade Regulation and Environment Management
- An analysis of the relationship between trade and environment and all matters incidental thereto
International and National Conservation Agriculture Training Courses
- A brief indicating the aim of the courses, Target groups, Cost of Training, how to apply and the training schedule and venue
Policy Brief on Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy
- A brief overview of the National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy (2000)
Summary of the Review of the Land Bills 2013
- This paper has highlighted some of the key concerns expressed by various civil society organizations such as Land Net, Catholic Commission for Justice and ...
The 2012-2013 Budget Analysis for the Agriculture Sector
- An analysis of the 2012/13 budget estimates for the Agriculture and Food Security sector.
Community Experiences with Climate change - Case Study of Salima District
- A compilation of case studies on community climate change experience in Salima district
PERFORM Gender Analysis and Plan
- A gender analyses for the PERFORM project
Fertilizer Act 2003
- An act to protect consumer and persons selling fertilizer in Malawi by assuring that all fertiliser sold or offered for sale in Malawi is in compliance with ...
Malawi Agricultural Sector Wide Approach
- The ASWAp is a single comprehensive programme and budget framework that has a formalized process for better donor coordination and harmonization of investment ...
National Fertilizer Strategy 2007
- This document identifies key issues affecting adoption and utilization of fertilizer technologies
National Land Resources Management Policy and Strategy 2000
- Policy and strategy on national land resources management